Roofing When Cold Weather Requires Special Precautions

roofing when cold

Whether you’re doing a new roof, or you’re re-roofing an existing roof, roofing when cold weather requires special precautions. While roofing in cold weather, shingles can adhere to uneven surfaces, locking them in place and preventing them from relaxing and forming a smooth finished roof. Roofing tools and materials also become more fragile in the cold. Here are some tips to keep you safe and warm while on the roof.

Safety precautions to take

As the temperatures drop below a certain threshold, things change. Obviously, we won’t be as comfortable doing our work when it’s cold outside. But cold weather also affects tools and materials, which can make them more brittle and susceptible to jamming. There are some precautions you can take to ensure everyone’s safety, including the roofing crew. Here are some tips for preventing injuries and keeping the crew happy during winter.

Roofing materials that become brittle in cold weather

Roofing in the winter requires more safety precautions and planning than roofing in the summer. Although most roofing materials will still perform up to a certain point, the cold weather can cause problems. In addition to the brittleness of the material, winter can also cause the roof to crack or leak. Roofing in the winter also requires extra caution when installing shingles. In addition, lower temperatures can affect the adhesive used to apply the shingles.

Tools that can be affected by cold weather

Cold weather affects roofing materials and tools, as the air pressure drops and the asphalt loses its ability to bend. This can cause imperfections during the installation process and affect the quality of materials and tools. In addition, a roofer’s tools and equipment may be less efficient if cold weather affects their performance. Here are a few of the tools and equipment that can be affected by cold weather when roofing.

Keeping workers warm while on the roof

The first step in staying warm while on the roof is to be aware of the weather. Make sure you know the temperature before you head out on a project. To determine what the weather will be like before you start your job, use the OSHA Heat Safety Tool App. For Canadians, try the Weather Network App. It gives you accurate weather information for your area and provides the Humidex rating.

Avoiding tripping or dropping shingles

While it is important to use caution when erecting or removing shingles, extreme weather can pose a hazard. For instance, workers should make sure to mark any exposed power lines before starting any work. Similarly, metal ladders must be used only when they are necessary. Never prop them up on something just to reach a proper height. Finally, be sure to use a nail gun only when needed and never shoot nails until they are firmly placed on the roof surface.

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