Bodybuilder Who Became a YouTuber: Steroids, Drugs, and Purpose in Life | Patrick Carr

Bodybuilder Who Became a YouTuber: Steroids, Drugs, and Purpose in Life | Patrick Carr

Bodybuilder Who Became a YouTuber: Steroids, Drugs, and Purpose in Life | Patrick Carr
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00:00 Intro
00:37 Meet Patrick Carr
01:02 Patrick Creator
01:20 Body Building background
02:03 I wanted to be swiped on tinder
02:23 I wanted people to notice me
02:42 Why guy work out
03:10 Did you find in bodybuilding what you were looking for?
03:35 I hated bodybuilding
03:44 Highest achievement
04:04 Bodybuilding is good, teaches you a lot of discipline
04:30 Work ethic of gym rats
04:48 Healthy person VS sick person difference
05:10 Difference between people who workout and who is not
06:10 Do people who workout have better work ethics?
06:49 Arnold Schwarzenegger
07:27 You can always tell who is working out: they give up something
08:06 Arnold’s mind game
08:30 Mind of body builders
08:50 Steroids in bodybuilding
10:30 Jay Cutler
11:22 I made a lot of damage to my body
11:37 Cocaine was my vice
12:24 Gym kept me away from cocaine
13:01 Crossfiters drink more because they let them…

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